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Student and Professor Discussing on Evil Faith Love God and Darkness

A great discussion which is worth reading for every person and sharing to the friends. Whatsapp, Facebook wise and thoughtful status to share with your friends. This student must be a courageous one and have a long way in his life to go.

Professor: What is evil?
Student: "Sir, I will explain but 1st
answer my questions.
"Does the cold exist?"
Professor: Yes.
Student:"You are wrong sir.
There is nothing like cold. It is the
complete absence of heat."
Student asked again,"Does darkness
Professor: Yes.
Student:"You are again wrong sir.
There is nothing like darkness. It is
actually the complete absence of light.
According to physics we can study
light and heat but not darkness and
cold. Similarly sir, the evil does not
Actually it is the absence of faith, love
and true belief on GOD."